Report Card

2015-16 was the first year that schools in the choice program (including Shining Star) submitted data to the DPI using a new data collection system. That data informed the school report cards that were released in November 2016 for all schools and districts. Due to a change in state law, private schools participating in the choice program now receive the same report cards as their public school counterparts.

2022-23 School Report Cards

The Office of Educational Accountability (OEA) at the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) issues school and district report cards each fall for schools and districts in Wisconsin. The report cards present key information related to outcomes for students as measured by statewide assessments, attendance, high school completion, and course and program data. But whole school performance cannot be captured in any one report. Therefore, Shining Star has also created its own local report card, highlighting aspects of our schools that are not included in the state report card, but that enrich the story of our educational programs and school community. You may find the 2023 Shining Star Report Cards posted below.

Shining Star Schools Local Report Cards

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Report Cards

Please click below to view the school report card for Shining Star for that year.